Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The Tishbite In Us All

Word up Prophet Elijah, John the Baptist…er…I mean Prophet Elijah! You know you’s my nicc-up, right? What up DAAAAWWWWGGGGG! So Elijah, speak to me my dude, what do you want me to tell the party peoples who FOLLOW MY BLOG (or me on Twitter, tee hee!)?

And Elijah the Tishbite, who was of the inhabitants of Gilead, said unto Ahab, As the Lord God of Israel liveth, before whom I stand, there shall not be dew nor rain these years, but according to my word. (1 Kings 17:1)

--------------------/The Tishbite In Us All: Elijah's Cry

When Solomon died so did the sun,
its then that the rain became soot and ash; my people has no flesh
drought in the northern Kingdom
I walk the streets of Israel flanked by skeletons skulls sockets hollowed
promises lost covenants forgotten blinded by the decay of disobedience
all speech now requires interpretation, boasts of gaiety, anger, concern
uniformly sound like groans, like children passing through fire
on all lips soliloquies of the stolid and sullen
(the sinister sappy squeals of Asherah diabolically incredulous)
I, the only incarnate soul, with blood pulsing through his veins,
with a veritable fleshy heart throbbing for Moses, walking through Yahweh’s graveyard
now courtyard of the Baals. I don’t sleep my dreams are waking visions
where hope pierces this eclipse like a shooting star whispering of secrets augural
 of salvation of flour that never diminishes and oil that never dissipates
that amongst the dead a son is resurrected so that hopes of those disconsolate follow suit -  
the belief that one day we will all be free again in Zarephath….soon
and David will dance, alive
and David will dance, once more  
My voice is the grating heavenly lyric the antipode to Jezebel’s serenades of seduction
it will be fire on altars of the wicked idolatrous where 450 are shamed to death
by the callous silence of effete emasculated gods
fires scorching, a moratorium on Ahaziah’s soldiers smoking in futility
 …because no weapon formed against destiny can prosper
but the revolution will not be heralded by great winds
nor preceded by great earthquakes
for although any change is as remarkable as chariots of fire ascending
a climax to triumph over adversity
it is the still small voice of one’s faith in God
above all that calls forth the Messiah, Eden’s restoration, Israel’s sunrise

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