Tuesday, February 26, 2013

The Bread of Jennifer Lawrence

*Dedicated to Jennifer Lawrence, oh please Jennifer, fall in love with me!!!!

----------------/The Bread of Jennifer Lawrence; The Hunger Games of My Heart

I, on the lam, am exhausted, emaciated with yearning for you
and filled with dread (of being single forever)
and sweating
Saul the King of Loneliness – for so many years- has placed a bounty
on my head throughout the kingdom my broken heart
my sobbing listless body, calloused soul despondent rejected yet again
on the lips of royal couriers riding horseback
parchment promulgated high on walls at the gates of Israel in the King’s Ink
“Tony is never to marry, nor shall he kiss a woman beautiful”
also rhymed and sung by maidens outside the Tent of Meeting, my envious Facebook friends.
Grizzled soldiers with swords, arrows leery peering around each corner seeking a particular death:
my confidence discouraged so as to never date anyone again.
I hear jealous howls fading from castles, sneers at my love for you reverberating from watchtowers
owls, hawks and vultures of pessimism outside the city walls prowling, I duck and run
stumbling in descent.
I seek solace in refuge hasty flights for Silver Linings Playbook, The Hunger Games,
X-Men First Class, you at the Oscars victorious drooling before the television
the tabernacle of my worship
Panting with my throat parched I beg Heaven’s pardon for lust
It must be sacrilege, for me to behold your angelic face, to smile like a kindred spirit
In the Holy of Holies
intuiting and understanding your sense of humor, to envision you falling in love
with a friend of the king’s rebellious son: hope against hope, Jonathan
Jennifer, baby, even if I am disingenuous before common sense posing as Ahimelech the priest;
my true belief in us dating might pass as delusion, necessitating extreme caution 
as the paparazzi and my haters would be in hot pursuit, Saul’s assassins
I must insist on eating, I must insist on finding true happiness after so many years of hunger
not the common bread, girls who diss and mock and spurn
but bread of  the  (Your) Presence:
The bread of you and me together our Romance of perpetual satiation

(crumbs of joy intermingled with tears of bliss rolling down my chin, cheeks filled with devouring )

[Jennifer Lawrence, baby, congrats on winning your Oscar! Now celebrate your win by falling in love with me and marrying me! thejesusmetaphor@yahoo.com !
As we feast on love, we can ridicule The Hunger Games – because the food of our affection will stave off our desire for food, of ever being hungry again!]

----1 Samuel 21:1-6

Then David came to Nob to Ahimelech the priest. And Ahimelech came to meet David trembling and said to him, “Why are you alone, and no one with you?” And David said to Ahimelech the priest, “The king has charged me with a matter and said to me, ‘Let no one know anything of the matter about which I send you, and with which I have charged you.’ I have made an appointment with the young men for such and such a place. Now then, what do you have on hand? Give me five loaves of bread, or whatever is here.” And the priest answered David, “I have no common bread on hand, but there is holy bread—if the young men have kept themselves from women.” And David answered the priest, “Truly women have been kept from us as always when I go on an expedition. The vessels of the young men are holy even when it is an ordinary journey. How much more today will their vessels be holy?” So the priest gave him the holy bread, for there was no bread there but the bread of the Presence, which is removed from before the Lord, to be replaced by hot bread on the day it is taken away

That Damascus Road

image taken from Free Bible Study Lessons

* Dedicated to Rick Ross, Ten Jesus Pieces
* Dedicated to St. Paul, Pray for me, speak to me…

----------------------/Wistful About The Damascus Road; Acts Chronicles Chapter 21 - Paul's Thoughts On Going to Jerusalem

On a horse, riding to Damascus a lust for blood
I watch myself discarnate and detached in my daytime dreaming,
a stained dagger taped to my thigh, cloak draped on my shoulders
the veneer of my treachery (misguided). On my face the mechanical stolid sneer
I hear the screams of the innocent as peals of thunder
peripheral gazes of children convulsing in apoplexy like lightning at noon
blinding me on my back my conscience scowling at my company, who fled-
writhing alone while plumes of dust asphyxiate compulsive
sneezing (back aching).  
A lot has changed since then, since stones slayed Stephen.  
I wince at the man I once was in repentant anguish, the full moon
the fullest expression of stigmata eliciting my excruciating shrills
ominous precursor to sufferance, my acquaintance with his nails
his wood becomes our cross my boat
when shipwrecked the seas become blood like Pharaoh’s plague
has become mine; a spear lances water and blood; An oath: that we cant smile again
unless we are absent from this body, my joy is to be with him and like him 
And this gospel
these journeys by land and sea promulgating news on how to be free
are just biding time, my breathing is borrowed by grace, my strength
by Mercy running running running after ghosts of the pasts
trying to erase memories of slaughter while simultaneously accepting absolution  
of my God, and chronologically distant my people. Years are my pedagogues
differentiating true Gentile and True Jew, discipleship of Spiritual politics not Roman
disregarding notions of wealth and homage to the Ceasars in favor of faith hope love
What mean ye to weep and to break mine heart?
I am all set for Jerusalem, the beginning and the end
dying so I can truly live
my life converted so  all who follow me know the way to die
an honorable sacrifice, truly worthy

---------------------Acts 21:11-14
 And when he was come unto us, he took Paul's girdle, and bound his own hands and feet, and said, Thus saith the Holy Ghost, So shall the Jews at Jerusalem bind the man that owneth this girdle, and shall deliver him into the hands of the Gentiles. And when we heard these things, both we, and they of that place, besought him not to go up to Jerusalem.  Then Paul answered, What mean ye to weep and to break mine heart? for I am ready not to be bound only, but also to die at Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus. And when he would not be persuaded, we ceased, saying, The will of the Lord be done.

---Ten Jesus Pieces Lyrics

"Ten Jesus Pieces"
(feat. Stalley)

[Intro: Rick Ross]
God forgives, He's so honorable
But living amongst thieves and niggas like myself
You will not have that luxury

[Verse 1: Rick Ross]
I wake up excited, I made it through the night
Things I did in the dark, will it ever see the light?
My nurse should be a wreck, I got a bad chick
She keeps me erect, she loves my ad-libs
I think I'm a genius, hundred grand a f* feature
I do at least three a week, roll up the f* reefer
Went from Benihana to Bimini in Bahamas
Ten chains, no luggage, I'm a big timer
Niggas claim that they thugging when they d*-riding
My niggas rather walk, do they own brick climbing
On the block in my all white sneakers
Lord knows that my ten Jesus pieces
Pray for me cause you know a nigga doing wrong
My homie in the cell, so I had to write a poem
Count mills for the times that we had it hard
Asking for a hundred mill as I pray to God

[Hook: Rick Ross]
I do this for my niggas facing hard times
Empty on them corners if you hustling part time
Ten chains on, Eric B with mob ties
Rakim flows, coming from the far side
Blood diamonds and my pieces from apartheid
Quick, quote a prayer, pull it from the archives
I pray for every soul that this music reaches
Bury me a G, ten Jesus pieces

[Verse 2: Rick Ross]
Young nigga coming up, they wanna gun you down
Drinking vodka in the memory of my nigga, d* (I miss you Peanut)
Riding real slow on them all golds (we had them nigga)
Shopping for them Os when the mall close
Repping for your homies when they all gone
Get empowered then you put your dog on (Real s*)
All black tees, ten gold chains
At the Super Bowl, but we in the dope game
Ten years strong in the same trap
Ten years blowing on that strong path
Lord knows that I wanna live right
But Lord knows what that Club Liv like (right)
Forty dollar tab meaning forty grand
Lord what he got it rolled up in a rubber band
Holding on the forty in his other hand
Ten chains on, smoking in the motherland

[Hook: Rick Ross]
I do this for my niggas facing hard times
Empty on them corners if you hustling part time
Ten chains on, Eric B with mob ties
Rakim flows, coming from the far side
Blood diamonds and my pieces from apartheid
Quick, quote a prayer, pull it from the archives
I pray for every soul that this music reaches
Bury me a G, ten Jesus pieces

[Verse 3: Rick Ross]
I'm his poltergeist, niggas know I'm more than nice
All these jewels on, all boys are nice
I could see it in the sparkle cause it lackluster
Black card maxed out, d* black brother
White collar, black market
Chrome Smith and Wesson, back pocket
Eight shot, bitch I'm a top shotta
Screaming your affiliations, but that don't matter
I'm flyin' first class as the snakes slither
Never blackmail a mother* killer
On trial and they wanna execute me
It's really sad, just the fact they never knew me
True G to the core, feel my texture
A true G keeps it raw in his lecture
Keep it simple, white tee, new sneakers
Dope boy style, ten Jesus pieces

[Hook: Rick Ross]
I do this for my niggas facing hard times
Empty on them corners if you hustling part time
Ten chains on, Eric B with mob ties
Rakim flows, coming from the far side
Blood diamonds and my pieces from apartheid
Quick, quote a prayer, pull it from the archives
I pray for every soul that this music reaches
Bury me a G, ten Jesus pieces

[Verse 4: Stalley]
Versace shirt, Jesus laying on the chest
Man I swear Big did it the best, I mean
Nas did it fresh, Jay did it fresh, I mean
Ye did it fresh, but man Big did it the best
And I was so impressed that I went and got ten
Now I'm stunting on these niggas cause I couldn't back in
Rose gold, yellow gold, a couple platinum
And I wear them all at once, I ain't trying to match them
I remember bumping Mac 10 and that deuce in the corner
Scraping up for a sandwich and a soda
Now my strength is up and I'm dangling chains off my shoulders
But no Jesus piece on mine, cause at times I feel ashamed
For the reason that I rhyme
And they say, cause I'm Muslim I shouldn't think about the shine
Or even put it in a rhyme
It's better things I could talk about or put my money towards
But for now, I'ma wear these ten chains and floss

[Hook: Rick Ross]
I do this for my niggas facing hard times
Empty on them corners if you hustling part time
Ten chains on, Eric B with mob ties
Rakim flows, coming from the far side
Blood diamonds and my pieces from apartheid
Quick, quote a prayer, pull it from the archives
I pray for every soul that this music reaches
Bury me a G, ten Jesus pieces

We untouchable...

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

The Beauty of Baal (Worship)

Then Jezebel sent a messenger unto Elijah, saying, So let the gods do to me, and more also, if I make not thy life as the life of one of them by tomorrow about this time. 1 Kings 19:2

And Jezebel his wife said unto him, Dost thou now govern the kingdom of Israel? arise, and eat bread, and let thine heart be merry: I will give thee the vineyard of Naboth the Jezreelite. 1 Kings 21:7

 ----------------/The Beauty of Baal (Worship); Jezebel’s Thoughts As Jehu Approached Jezreel

And these are the things I learned as a little girl
in the temple of Baal:
coercion, hedonism, lust, intrigue, hasty hegemony:
to take what you want when you wanted it as grand metaphor
for living, honoring fertility our strictest paradigm, exorbitant increase
to parlay, to seduce to sexualize the culture’s consciousness
men and women lulled satisfied as yet unaware of consequence
temple sex suffused with incense on altars
women with women, breast on breast
(or that pitiably theyre already souls surrendered) in retrospect this was
heedless philosophy, careless theology
for laxity, the immediacy of appeasing a nations neurotic impulse
to secure divinity’s favor with grain
even at the cost of burning babies, smoke of the innocent rises
the serpentine smirk of the gods, the soot left behind comingled with blood
little bones of excess charred
in my peripheral vision detritus mixed with toe 
for the sake of the greater good promulgated by men in pompous robe
and yet hedonism only engenders anger that insatiable thirst for more
jewels, fields, priests, exotic spices….and power yet never enough
you shiver at night next to your husband uncontrollably, involuntarily
bemused beneath his quizzical midnight gaze
lying that all is well, your shrieking heart ready to explode amidst sweating
pleading with your subconscious to consider the contrary…
a little too late. It was into carnage and aristocratic condescension I was born
and to which I shall return as dust, make up, cleavage and braids
tears and blood
I will honor you Ethbaal, my father
and Baal my God
we will trample Israel until Israel tramples us
if she refuses to subjugate herself before your mighty hand
we never knew another way did we Pop?
we never knew anything, Baal
but treachery

And he said, Throw her down. So they threw her down: and some of her blood was sprinkled on the wall, and on the horses: and he trode her under foot. And when he was come in, he did eat and drink, and said, Go, see now this cursed woman, and bury her: for she is a king's daughter. And they went to bury her: but they found no more of her than the skull, and the feet, and the palms of her hands. 2 Kings 9:33-35

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The Tishbite In Us All

Word up Prophet Elijah, John the Baptist…er…I mean Prophet Elijah! You know you’s my nicc-up, right? What up DAAAAWWWWGGGGG! So Elijah, speak to me my dude, what do you want me to tell the party peoples who FOLLOW MY BLOG (or me on Twitter, tee hee!)?

And Elijah the Tishbite, who was of the inhabitants of Gilead, said unto Ahab, As the Lord God of Israel liveth, before whom I stand, there shall not be dew nor rain these years, but according to my word. (1 Kings 17:1)

--------------------/The Tishbite In Us All: Elijah's Cry

When Solomon died so did the sun,
its then that the rain became soot and ash; my people has no flesh
drought in the northern Kingdom
I walk the streets of Israel flanked by skeletons skulls sockets hollowed
promises lost covenants forgotten blinded by the decay of disobedience
all speech now requires interpretation, boasts of gaiety, anger, concern
uniformly sound like groans, like children passing through fire
on all lips soliloquies of the stolid and sullen
(the sinister sappy squeals of Asherah diabolically incredulous)
I, the only incarnate soul, with blood pulsing through his veins,
with a veritable fleshy heart throbbing for Moses, walking through Yahweh’s graveyard
now courtyard of the Baals. I don’t sleep my dreams are waking visions
where hope pierces this eclipse like a shooting star whispering of secrets augural
 of salvation of flour that never diminishes and oil that never dissipates
that amongst the dead a son is resurrected so that hopes of those disconsolate follow suit -  
the belief that one day we will all be free again in Zarephath….soon
and David will dance, alive
and David will dance, once more  
My voice is the grating heavenly lyric the antipode to Jezebel’s serenades of seduction
it will be fire on altars of the wicked idolatrous where 450 are shamed to death
by the callous silence of effete emasculated gods
fires scorching, a moratorium on Ahaziah’s soldiers smoking in futility
 …because no weapon formed against destiny can prosper
but the revolution will not be heralded by great winds
nor preceded by great earthquakes
for although any change is as remarkable as chariots of fire ascending
a climax to triumph over adversity
it is the still small voice of one’s faith in God
above all that calls forth the Messiah, Eden’s restoration, Israel’s sunrise