Thursday, May 10, 2012

Save My World - From Lovelessness

Man guys, you know how dis mess go! I wrote about dis girl b4 man. I cant say her name because too many dudes I know like her and the cat would doubtlessly, hissing and screeching, be out the bag! Got dag! This girl is so mesmerizing so beguiling. I like her and I know she knows I like her, but Im too afraid to tell her, due in part to feelings for other guys involved. ARRRGGHHHH. But look, a man can dream cant he? I mean, me single for 13 years now...I mean...I can dream cant I? CAN I GET AN AMEN!!!???? We're both between a rock and a hard place - if this girl wants me shes got to do the unthinkable! CRUCIFY HERSELF TO MAKE ME ASK HER OUT!!! ....ehhh.....its come to this ehhh? (Im sorry ********)

[ Tell me you want me,
prove it to me, a fallen sinner
oblivious impervious to your optimistic Heaven
the three words I want to hear
I love you
even if it means nails in your hands
and thorns on your scalp
nakedness and shame before crowds

say it say you love me
even if it means your father forsakes you
for dating a black man]

-----------------/Your Grand Plan i.e. Your Life For My Life (With You)

You hovered over the waters you saw a man (Tony Conti) formless
and (a heart) void eyes full of darkness
eyes full of darkness your face dry land to give him structure
your vibrant witty charm living creatures in seas skies and lands
yet it wasnt enough to sate because he ran out of the Paradise you tailored
- a kiss from your lips contingent on his courage to claim it -
fruit of curiosity forbidden in futility he sought after other women,
gods who could not speak, who could not hear - his deepest needs in anger
regret you flooded his world waylaid by haplessness.
knowing he was better suited with you
a dove of hope flew,
a vestige like Noah of passion for you he never condemned
(because you knew he crushed deeply on you, indelible) yet time elapsed
In angst you deigned to entered his psyche, his paradigm foreign
through virginal intentions to woo him finally birthing a Messiah of determination
miraculous will. Your stunning figure in tight jeans is blood pouring from your brow
straining to be noticed
subterfuges of pleasantry, cordiality is Judas' feet planted in the garden
over the same pools of blood kissing Tony on the cheek when you pray
every night to kiss his mouth
like a trusted disciple denying you before the cock crows in the courtyard
of your vulnerability, he yearns on his blog for other dames
you message him to convey impressions of interest though its like a gashing
crown of thorns when unreciprocated your emotions weeping women wailing
for you wont even tell your closest friends you fell hard for him
when he doesnt engage it feels like rusty nails impaling your fragile hands
of niceties and kindness and, at times, subtle sassiness
the words of flattery you spoke to him that night beneath the moon:
erecting yourself on a wooden cross for all the world to see
You love him You want to spend eternal life with him forever

(When will he get it? And respond in faith to your salvation offered?)

Matthew 27:50
[Jesus, when he had cried again with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost.]

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