Thursday, May 3, 2012

Galileo *(Dedicated to Jennifer D With The Pretty Green Eyes)

Psalm 93:1
The Lord reigneth, he is clothed with majesty; the Lord is clothed with strength, wherewith he hath girded himself: the world also is stablished, that it cannot be moved.

Psalm 104:5
Who laid the foundations of the earth, that it should not be removed for ever.

Dialogue on the Two Chief World Systems


What do you do when you feel dissonance like you
and the cosmos are disjointed you testified to me
with your eyes that without me your world was nothing but melancholy
our love was to be Centripetal Force
or in the very least your affections directed at me
I was the earth you said (God knows you were my sun
my incandescent flame in the sky burning perpetual) never moving
liar you promised there would be no gravity
afflicting me no chance at a waning of our attraction
and that from the apex of ecstasy I would never fall
but stand still - always....forever....
but now there are other planets and other constellations and I
just an insignificant trite unremarkable sycophant in line
behind many encircling and courting your heart
once there was no cloud in the sky and now there are many
no destructive comets now many scorching towards us

I put my two hands on the right armrest of the judge's chair
brand me a heretic
strip my dignity and coerce a recantation of the belief
that the world isnt what everyone purported it to be
my Dialogue on the Two Chief World Systems
a fallacious world contrasted with one founded on truth
at attempt to dissuade acquiesce to the denial of the rising
sentiments permeating our society
that I must accept your denouncement of my attraction to you
when you ignore me it feels like an Inquisition
on house arrest forced to proclaim my universe would be just as
pleasing without you
but know that it always has been and henceforth shall be

(and yet, my love for you, it moves)

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