Friday, May 18, 2012

King Of Galaxies

* Dedicated to Nas, We're Not Alone

[The setting: The peak of Mount Hermon, 1st century Caesarea Phillippi. Scattered rocks adorn the uneven landscape, part grassy and part bare dirt and encompassing a menagerie of elevations. The green and brownish admixture crests of said mountain and those adjacent to it contrasted against the vivid cerulean sky give the ambiance a somewhat baroque appeal. Jesus stands and effortlessly sustains himself twenty feet from the ground, arms spread eagle, and dressed in effulgent dazzling white garments, flanked by Moses and Elijah whose garments also shine though to a lesser degree. Amazingly even Jesus' skin on his face, in particular, is incandescent, his eyes and pupils indistinguishable from one another: a solid gold. On the mountain Tony, John, James and Peter kneel aghast in wonder and terror at the sight of such a brash display of power and indifference to natural law. Peter offers to erect three tents, to diffuse the palpable tension amongst the two parties of people, those uncanny and preternatural, and the natural, but Tony interrupts before Peter finishes his thoughts]

Peter: Master let us build three te.....

Tony (interrupting): YO, YO, YOOOO ADRIAN!!! ....OOPS!! ....errr...I mean...A-YO JESUS!!!!
[Peter rolls his eyes, casting a cutting glance at Tony for his lack of decorum]

Tony (looking at Peter, then dismissively addressing Jesus and his friends): AYO SON, WTH MAN? WHAT-THE-HECK???? WHAT YOU DOING ALL UP IN THE AIR LIKE DAT SON? BOY DONE LOST HIS MIND. Get yourself down, like a civilized Gentleman and we'll talk! [trying to curry favor with James and John, who subsequently ignore him].... you know what Im saying James? Nah mean John? I mean dis bamma just jumps in the air...AND STARTS FLYING ON A BROTHA!!! IM LIKE WOOOOAAAHHH! Nah mean?
[Moses attempts to grasp Tony's attention by waving his hand in the air]

Tony (continuing his garrulousness oblivious): ......Like, John, tell me something son? When was the last time a bamma was at the market, right? And then, say for instance you was about to do some commerce, right?
[John ignores Tony's attempt at dialogue and resolutely keeps his gazed affixed on Jesus]

Tony (continuing): .......right....and....hey you listening dawg?....anyway yeah and right when you was about to drop some coins for dat item, you know what I'm saying...dat item...(pausing for dramatic effect)...THE BAMMA JUST FLOATS IN THE AIR!!! (laughing to himself); I mean, like Michelle Tanner would say - "HOW WUDE!!!"

James (listening but not looking):...who?
[Moses gets progressively agitated that Tony wont acknowledge Jesus, the person to whom he is supposedly addressing]

Tony: know...Michelle....the girl from Full House son! You remember, right? Uncle Jessie....?
[Moses in a madcap fury throws his staff at Tony's head, which upon contact triggers a thunderous clap....and a large not on his forehead, also eliciting secretive laughter from Moses and Elijah]

Tony (angered): ...hey man?!!! ...WHAT THE FUU

Jesus (interrupting): Tony! I have a message for you

Tony (rubbing his head): ...what yo? What you got to say to me, Gawd?

------------/Not From Here: Jesus' Words To His Disciples On The Mount Of Trasfiguration

We live in a war state ceaselessly
(mercilessly ravaged intravenous toxins of soul)
under the auspices of strictly controlled Martial law
the peace brokered by Rome and her subjects a misnomer pandering
politics a shroud prostitution a hallucinogenic robbery distracting
children birthed offered to flames parents with veneers of stoicism:
disingenuous. Pharisees upholding the Law of Moses, a sham.
Do as they say and not as they do. The prevailing philosophy of this
age is Corban misused, treachery and deceit the pure light of truth
John was beheaded yet his judges and executioners worthy of death
Fish and loaves multiplied normalcy
Read sea rent asunder waves standing as walls of Solomonic Judah
routine, healing the sick mundane. (From the bosom of my Father
impossibility is succored growing into infinite possibility)
The woman with the issue of blood a relic of a bygone era
Legion a senescent geriatric filled with regret clasping at the vibrant
lives they leave behind malicious attempts at hellish company
gasping for air, dying. Not willing to accept fate time dissipates
Satan stirs
the silent groans of the damned fill the air as thunder in storms
and howling winds in snowstorms to the ear unlearned
emancipation is your belief that this life is a lie
living is dying, breathing is asphyxiation, love for the world hatred
of one's destiny, sultry lust of the eye a poison to the eye a prism
to view the whole world as cesspool. mendicants are magnates
this is no time of peace, these times are not for luxurious leisurely
the rags I wear really dazzling attire, my face ruddy now beaming white
brown eyes pure gold in actuality
and I pray that now you see, that
your blind eyes (at least temporarily) now open
your minds once asinine, dull, obtuse open to a new reality coming
there is no more death there is no more disease or hunger or poverty
as you know it
that this world is passing away, that foreign worlds cause rifts
and dissonance keeping us apart our hearts are yet not the same
until you understand we are not alone
there is Being, an essence, a state, a planet
other than this one

(for the faithful, Selah)

---------Luke 9:27-36
 But I tell you of a truth, there be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the kingdom of God. And it came to pass about an eight days after these sayings, he took Peter and John and James, and went up into a mountain to pray. And as he prayed, the fashion of his countenance was altered, and his raiment was white and glistering. And, behold, there talked with him two men, which were Moses and Elias: Who appeared in glory, and spake of his decease which he should accomplish at Jerusalem. But Peter and they that were with him were heavy with sleep: and when they were awake, they saw his glory, and the two men that stood with him. And it came to pass, as they departed from him, Peter said unto Jesus, Master, it is good for us to be here: and let us make three tabernacles; one for thee, and one for Moses, and one for Elias: not knowing what he said. While he thus spake, there came a cloud, and overshadowed them: and they feared as they entered into the cloud. And there came a voice out of the cloud, saying, This is my beloved Son: hear him. And when the voice was past, Jesus was found alone. And they kept it close, and told no man in those days any of those things which they had seen

----------Nas, We're Not Alone Lyrics
(feat. Mykel)

[Chorus: Mykel]
Where there's life there is water
We depend on mama nature
there's a message for tomorrow
Everything connects to you
Some say soon it will be over
you can see it in the weather
out of tune with mama nature
what you do comes back to you

We're not alone [4x]

[Verse: Nas]
Confucius, Confucius
Sigmund Freud
And Fard Muhammad
Is it evolution or God?
Searching for the truth is a threat
Seems the closer we get to the truth
State troopers or FEDs come out to silence you
My house in Malibu probably tapped
Because living next door to Demi Moore
Plus, I'm black
Plus, I want vengeance for the poor
Who's attacked daily
Patriot Act never scared me
Jake in the Taurus
Sticky in the jar-s
Niggas I'm with got warrants
America's brown and
Twenty years from now
Every town will be brown and Latin
An African lookin Manhattan
I'ma tell you what I seen with my three eyes
Word to me, not a hoax, back in 9-9
A spacecraft in the skyline
In L.A., in daytime, ask Horse if I'm lying

[Chorus: Mykel]

Every mother, every father
Raise your sons and your daughters
With respect and with honor
From the seed comes a fruit
Its an unbroken circle
All of life is universal
And we're all in the struggle
If i know one thing is true...

We're not alone [4x]

Evidence remains in debate
Documents of our own Air Force base
Additional terrestrial information
Other planets with life population
My observation
Scientists study pictures of a flying disc
Right on earth, anthropologists are finding s***
Visitors, probably live with us
They can mimic us
It's sort of what we seeing in the cinemas


Take a look in the mirror
And see the bigger picture
Its good to be alive
Its good to be alive
Nobody is an island
we are part of an environment
Only way we gone survive
Is if we harmonize

We're not alone [4x]

Reginald Lewis
The black billionaire
Before Oprah or Bob Johnson
How'd he disappear?
Conspiracy theories, UFO's in the air
I've seen it with my own two eyes
And I swear, like Warren Buffet
Real money I'm just trying to touch it
The diamond-encrusted s***, live illustrious
'Cause we was deprived of it, suffered
Now we pop to prove anything's possible
My pimp strut was invented when they whipped us
Now we diddy-bop just to show you that our strength's up
Just when niggas about to see they cut
Global warming about to burn us up
Niggas never really seen paper in this world
American blacks the teenager of this world
Give us twenty more years to grow up
Already geniuses; what I mean is this
I used to worship a certain Queens police murderer
'Til I read the words of Ivan van Sertima
He inserted something in me
That made me feel worthier
Now I spit revolution
I'm his hood interpreter


Take a look in the mirror
And see the bigger picture
Its good to be alive
Its good to be alive
Nobody is an island
we are part of an environment
Only way we gone survive
Is if we harmonize

We're not alone [4x]

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Save My World - From Lovelessness

Man guys, you know how dis mess go! I wrote about dis girl b4 man. I cant say her name because too many dudes I know like her and the cat would doubtlessly, hissing and screeching, be out the bag! Got dag! This girl is so mesmerizing so beguiling. I like her and I know she knows I like her, but Im too afraid to tell her, due in part to feelings for other guys involved. ARRRGGHHHH. But look, a man can dream cant he? I mean, me single for 13 years now...I mean...I can dream cant I? CAN I GET AN AMEN!!!???? We're both between a rock and a hard place - if this girl wants me shes got to do the unthinkable! CRUCIFY HERSELF TO MAKE ME ASK HER OUT!!! ....ehhh.....its come to this ehhh? (Im sorry ********)

[ Tell me you want me,
prove it to me, a fallen sinner
oblivious impervious to your optimistic Heaven
the three words I want to hear
I love you
even if it means nails in your hands
and thorns on your scalp
nakedness and shame before crowds

say it say you love me
even if it means your father forsakes you
for dating a black man]

-----------------/Your Grand Plan i.e. Your Life For My Life (With You)

You hovered over the waters you saw a man (Tony Conti) formless
and (a heart) void eyes full of darkness
eyes full of darkness your face dry land to give him structure
your vibrant witty charm living creatures in seas skies and lands
yet it wasnt enough to sate because he ran out of the Paradise you tailored
- a kiss from your lips contingent on his courage to claim it -
fruit of curiosity forbidden in futility he sought after other women,
gods who could not speak, who could not hear - his deepest needs in anger
regret you flooded his world waylaid by haplessness.
knowing he was better suited with you
a dove of hope flew,
a vestige like Noah of passion for you he never condemned
(because you knew he crushed deeply on you, indelible) yet time elapsed
In angst you deigned to entered his psyche, his paradigm foreign
through virginal intentions to woo him finally birthing a Messiah of determination
miraculous will. Your stunning figure in tight jeans is blood pouring from your brow
straining to be noticed
subterfuges of pleasantry, cordiality is Judas' feet planted in the garden
over the same pools of blood kissing Tony on the cheek when you pray
every night to kiss his mouth
like a trusted disciple denying you before the cock crows in the courtyard
of your vulnerability, he yearns on his blog for other dames
you message him to convey impressions of interest though its like a gashing
crown of thorns when unreciprocated your emotions weeping women wailing
for you wont even tell your closest friends you fell hard for him
when he doesnt engage it feels like rusty nails impaling your fragile hands
of niceties and kindness and, at times, subtle sassiness
the words of flattery you spoke to him that night beneath the moon:
erecting yourself on a wooden cross for all the world to see
You love him You want to spend eternal life with him forever

(When will he get it? And respond in faith to your salvation offered?)

Matthew 27:50
[Jesus, when he had cried again with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost.]

Friday, May 4, 2012

Take Us Away

[The setting: The Solar System. Jesus and Tony stand just outside the Karman line (earth's atmosphere), on two large stars,looking down on earth below. They are undaunted by the violent flows of charged particles about them or the shooting comets whizzing to and fro, some coming perilously close to colliding with their bodies. The sun gleams 93 million miles away but is perceived as within reach from the vantage point at which they stand, as does the moon350,000 miles removed.]

[Tony]: Yo my man, Jeezy For Sheezy, aka J Chrizzle, aka MY MAN!!! SHOW ME THE MOOONNEEEY! Jesus!

[Jesus]: .....yes my son?

[Tony]: For real, for real son. ahem! I mean Son (of God)! I really 'peciate the way you let me run my blog with your namesake, you know, Nah'm saying?

[Jesus]: .......

[Tony (oblivious to the pause from Jesus. moving his arms, gesticulating as he speaks)]:! You let me write about anything I pleases nah'm saying! AND I DO! I DO WRITE ABOUT ANYTHING THAT PLEASES ME! But yo, I appreciate the trust son, the liberality that I have in your Name Son! It completes me knowing that you entrust to me, an outlet of expression bearing Your Name Son! I wont let you down, BOYEEEE!

[Jesus]: I trust that You wont. Stay grafted to me and you shall never fail. Stay rooted in the Word of God and to prayer and fasting. I will reveal even greater things for you to chronicle in your poems.

[Tony (slightly amazed)]: ....wwuuuuuuuuuuuttt?

[Jesus]: Like for example, the people below us. Explain to them the importance of preparation for my Coming.

[Tony]: ok, okay! Bet! NOOO DIGITY - NO DOUBT!!!! SON!

[Jesus]: Very well then.

[Tony]: ...yo Jesus, Baby Jebus, tell me something....are the Miami Heat gonna win the whole shebang this year, dawg? Will my man Lebron, the King, finally get his ring? .....(even though technically, youre the True King...but I digress)

[Jesus (rolling his eyes)]: Focus my son! Render unto Lebron the things that are Lebron's and render unto me that which I have asked you to do! ...But I do know who's gonna win!

[Tony (sticking out his tongue and folding his arms)]: ....HEY!!!! ... NOT FAIR!!!

-------------/Rapture: The Thoughts Of A 21st Century American cum First Century Jew (Or Vice Versa)

The sonorous shrills of mocking (bullying) fiends the tremendous tyrannical trampling push and shove of romantic rejection braying and bellowing animals of self pity and depression, restless. societal worthlessness
The frenzied hysteria
of the panic of loved ones dying searching deserted places
for answers (as others run abandoning consolation)
to find their memories in the last hour lone totems of hope to cling to
scurrying under tables or entrenching our backs in closet corners
of prolonged isolation and coping, bracing (praying for times past).
the scowling gales of unemployment and bankruptcy fell trees
of inopportune times splitting foundations of security
the threat of nuclear holocaust or pandemic disease
looters in the streets impervious to decency or consideration for others
diabolical giggles of madness shattering glass shards of insanity
persecution for our faith like roving rapists attracted to the
fire rising clouds of smoke and soot from abandoned cities
torched by disobedient civilian unrest
racism the legion of roman soldiers attempting to restore
yet impaling yet hurling spears into pregnant women's bosoms
war on the family, warring against femininity
the sky of optimism turns blood red the migratory morose moon
prepared for the day of dread, when life has lost all meaning
secular state
and the enemies of preying for our destruction join forces against us
malevolent spirits with swords drawn our hands veil and protect our
faces our tears decorate our ethos - Satan stands to attest
the end of the world of hope is upon us; make haste
let the obstinate blind marry and the foolish eat and drink
our joys and merriment lie ahead yet to be realized
we stand on our roofs of desperation detached from the materialism
(hands stretched towards the sky)
of our goods inside we are in the fields of abject humility
never to return to our former ways, jettisoning tools
we grind the grain of yearning for emancipation oblivious
to anyone adjacent
change us in the twinkling of an eye eradicate our plight corruptible
gather us from the four winds and escort into the kingdom
of panacea
cure all of our ills assuage all of our grief, resurrect
the dreams of our childhoods
at a day and an hour which we do not know but already
too late

1 Corinthians 15:51-53: "Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality."

Mark 13:26-27: "And then shall they see the Son of man coming in the clouds with great power and glory. And then shall he send his angels, and shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from the uttermost part of the earth to the uttermost part of heaven."

Luke 17:26-35
"Just as it was in the days of Noah, so also will it be in the days of the Son of Man. People were eating, drinking, marrying and being given in marriage up to the day Noah entered the ark. Then the flood came and destroyed them all.
"It was the same in the days of Lot. People were eating and drinking, buying and selling, planting and building. But the day Lot left Sodom, fire and sulfur rained down from heaven and destroyed them all. "It will be just like this on the day the Son of Man is revealed. On that day no one who is on the roof of his house, with his goods inside, should go down to get them. Likewise, no one in the field should go back for anything. Remember Lot's wife! Whoever tries to keep his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life will preserve it. I tell you, on that night two people will be in one bed; one will be taken and the other left. Two women will be grinding grain together; one will be taken and the other left."

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Galileo *(Dedicated to Jennifer D With The Pretty Green Eyes)

Psalm 93:1
The Lord reigneth, he is clothed with majesty; the Lord is clothed with strength, wherewith he hath girded himself: the world also is stablished, that it cannot be moved.

Psalm 104:5
Who laid the foundations of the earth, that it should not be removed for ever.

Dialogue on the Two Chief World Systems


What do you do when you feel dissonance like you
and the cosmos are disjointed you testified to me
with your eyes that without me your world was nothing but melancholy
our love was to be Centripetal Force
or in the very least your affections directed at me
I was the earth you said (God knows you were my sun
my incandescent flame in the sky burning perpetual) never moving
liar you promised there would be no gravity
afflicting me no chance at a waning of our attraction
and that from the apex of ecstasy I would never fall
but stand still - always....forever....
but now there are other planets and other constellations and I
just an insignificant trite unremarkable sycophant in line
behind many encircling and courting your heart
once there was no cloud in the sky and now there are many
no destructive comets now many scorching towards us

I put my two hands on the right armrest of the judge's chair
brand me a heretic
strip my dignity and coerce a recantation of the belief
that the world isnt what everyone purported it to be
my Dialogue on the Two Chief World Systems
a fallacious world contrasted with one founded on truth
at attempt to dissuade acquiesce to the denial of the rising
sentiments permeating our society
that I must accept your denouncement of my attraction to you
when you ignore me it feels like an Inquisition
on house arrest forced to proclaim my universe would be just as
pleasing without you
but know that it always has been and henceforth shall be

(and yet, my love for you, it moves)

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Kate Upton, You Are My Golden God

*dedicated to Kate Upton, lawd have mercy!

--------------/(Super Sexy) Kate Upton Dancing In A Bikini, You Are Aaron's Appeasement, and my God

Kate, baby
Chastity has ascended the mount of longsuffering long since delayed
I am leader of people of the dust, my lusts, born slaves
with an insatiable inveterate longing for a noble cause new chances
new hope, purer joys in Canaan - milk of a clean conscience, honey
of a mind purged of filth....celebratory pomegranates of regained
self control emancipated from enslavement to masturbation
levied in Egypt, whips of pornography in searing heat of misguided
passions in the North African sun.....building pyramids of futility
....hopelessness....depression....and....everyone has grown
impatient desperate for some semblance of normalcy to fill
the void of the former ways we left behind in the Red Sea of repentance
of memory, the waters of our obstinacy split like two walls
a miracle summoned by our interior groaning as people
to be let go. Governed by our intellect and not urges;
bodies of impulses like Egyptian armies with chariots drown in resolve
never going back. Yet
the thrill of deviousness is gone yet beckoned back due to wantonness
wills weakened from preoccupation with haste and complaints
the thought of sex once suppressed rages more
it is an earring sacrificed (from the dignity of my wife,
my daughter, my sister, my mother) the internet a graving tool
in my fantasies I have
formed a giant resplendent image of pure gold - for a drooling
craven Hebrew folk to bow down to in awe, rather than stand fast
capitulating to clamoring voices of impetuousness, towering
above: you sexy and dancing to the CatDadddy breathtaking
the most valuable, beautiful sight I have ever seen in my life
and that I worship as God, from which I cannot stop staring
licking the sand from the Golden Calf's toe
(to maintain its glamour)
Lofty dreams of prominence chucked you will have to suffice
guilty pleasures in the absence of Moses
the promised land
will have to wait

(its reminder muffled in the echoes of Pharaoh's voice)

(Kate, oh baby! I am so sorry, but you make a brotha want to forsake his God!
Good God almighty girl you be looking so good! Sports Illustrated Swimsuit edition.....DAAANNG DANNNNG DANNNNGGGG!!!!)

---------Exodus 32:1-6
And when the people saw that Moses delayed to come down out of the mount, the people gathered themselves together unto Aaron, and said unto him, Up, make us gods, which shall go before us; for as for this Moses, the man that brought us up out of the land of Egypt, we wot not what is become of him. And Aaron said unto them, Break off the golden earrings, which are in the ears of your wives, of your sons, and of your daughters, and bring them unto me. And all the people brake off the golden earrings which were in their ears, and brought them unto Aaron. And he received them at their hand, and fashioned it with a graving tool, after he had made it a molten calf: and they said, These be thy gods, O Israel, which brought thee up out of the land of Egypt. And when Aaron saw it, he built an altar before it; and Aaron made proclamation, and said, To morrow is a feast to the Lord. And they rose up early on the morrow, and offered burnt offerings, and brought peace offerings; and the people sat down to eat and to drink, and rose up to play.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Questions For A Dying World Gasping

-------------------/The Last (Frenzied) Gasps Of A Dying World: Acts Chronicles 19 (2/3) - Paul's Words To The Disciples at Ephesus

Blood drips from daggers held by men with sullen sunken
eyes, murdering for sport robbing for sordid gain jettisoning
in dark dank alleys the spoils aggrieved and disconsolate numb
to shrills and sobs of families behind them (forever scarred). children
beholden to savages in the amphitheaters
virtue is dead levites, senators, doting fathers buried....for them
their eyes sing a dirge and promenade towards prostitutes
in ostentatious make-up and gaudy garb. daughters drooling for
the aforementioned furtive men foolish, foolhardy obstinately
rebellious to their God - and so the cycle has no reprieve madness
never ends (the placards of beaming smiles and the facades of
jaunty public life notwithstanding. This is not a happy Jerusalem
or Rome or Caesar) .the death of all life.
this generation has not heard of hope or fathomed its affects
far reaching, yet inwardly their hearts gasp for breath
and repentance is only a half step towards sobriety
and belief is only a beckoning glance at reform without power
from the tall glasses of blood and lust and jealous strife
we've fermented and mustered to serve and present as succulent-
full of deceit. Societal misogynistic delusion. Awareness
is the lone and paramount truth
worth mentioning, antidote to all the mind's craven ills, color
to the drab hues of black and grey, pastels of effervescence
beauty that transcends lipstick, sex, or wealth...
our bodies
have fallen limp
and given up the spirit
of decency and self respect. Our souls clamor for marriage
to new and refreshing life, moping for another helpmate giving
a chance for the dawn of newness and vibrant heartbeats, everlasting.
Grasp your wrists..... pulse non existent ask yourselves truly
have you received
the animating Ghost of your wildest dreams and sorest needs?
before its too late
before time renders our flesh too cold and bones decay

(Have ye received the Holy Ghost since ye believed?)

------------Acts 19:1-8
And it came to pass, that, while Apollos was at Corinth, Paul having passed through the upper coasts came to Ephesus: and finding certain disciples, He said unto them, Have ye received the Holy Ghost since ye believed? And they said unto him, We have not so much as heard whether there be any Holy Ghost. And he said unto them, Unto what then were ye baptized? And they said, Unto John's baptism. Then said Paul, John verily baptized with the baptism of repentance, saying unto the people, that they should believe on him which should come after him, that is, on Christ Jesus. When they heard this, they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. And when Paul had laid his hands upon them, the Holy Ghost came on them; and they spake with tongues, and prophesied. And all the men were about twelve.