Thursday, October 20, 2011

Inchoate ramblings continued

Me: stop. You are a disjointed babbling mess. You know what to do, this is frustrating. just do the right thing, stop hurting people, stop sinning. Why do you keep doing things you clearly know are wrong? Listen to what the Holy Spirit is telling you. What is He saying?

Demoniac: .....I don't know. ....I can't hear him.

Me: ..........

(wind gusts blow our clothes away from our bodies...chaotically undulating)


What motivates you to keep blogging it must be the most profound love of the art

No. It's hatred
I'm motivated by what I don't want to become and what I am trying to fight fiercely against

I don't understand

This is about retaliation


when did you stop believing in love?

I never did.

But you keep getting hurt

We all do. True love will be my sword to vanquish all the residual haunting memories of even the most vicious of girls. And my safeguard against despair buttress against cynicism


She will be my resurrection


I sleep with a (plastic) skull on the bookshelf behind my bed

I want to light candles every night and dwell on death - like in ecclesiastes
A reminder to live
Who knows the regrets that person still retains
He once treaded the path I currently walk, a single young adult - I sleep beside his hollow memories
I want my skull to be
A relic not a keepsake

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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