Tuesday, April 26, 2011


[Who maketh winds his messengers; Flames of fire his ministers – Psalm 104:4]

--------------/The Week Of April 16

pink cherry blossom petals
sinuate in the gentle morning winds
as I see you from afar
and they land gingerly behind your recent steps
as I try to lengthen my gait and steal a conversation
its cool too cool for spring but this anachronism
is romantic
and I am breathless as I watch your skirt sway
hurriedly trying to enter the building
as if late
so I stop my pursuit and reduce my pace to a crawl
while you disappear from view I am wistful
allured by the perwinkle blue sky – unusual for morning
my heart palpitating
hands slightly trembling
flames of fire in my heart
as the flower petals decorate your path like a sacred tapestry
a temple wall
resigned to wonder
and more dreaming about you until our next encounter
you were dazzling in the gym but much more
gallant now
my eyes closed, my head down
I stare into the carpet of pink leaves like an enchanted pool
taken aback by your dazzling reflection
bending down as if praying to God for you
a petal in my palm placates as my petering pulsations for you
poetize; dwindle
an icon delivered to me from heaven
alighting my hopes with excitement
I can see my breath faintly in the air
overcast clouds occluding the bright sun rays
no, its just a brisk spring morning
making me want you more

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