Friday, September 24, 2010

This Is The Most Emo Post I Have Ever Written

This proclamation is like, so crazy, yet must be shrouded in secrecy. I have been wrestling with these manifold emotions inside of me like I never have before. True, I often hastily and impulsively throw myself at girls - often scaring them away, and this never really bothered me because I always figured the "one" destined to marry me would be impervious to this type of fear. So the flight was proof of the incompatibility. But recently I found someone who isnt intimidated by me and my intense emotional discharge...

Like I can remember the last time I spoke with her, that somehow our words exchanged metamorphosed, metastasized if you will the feelings we had for each other. Our subsequent meeting felt like magic - and ever since then it has not waned not even a bit...

But okay, so Im rambling here. What Im trying to say is that I think you know youre beginning to fall in love when a few things happen:

1. you begin to talk about her specifically to people for solicitation of their assessment of her

2. you can find no tenable reason to reject the idea of marrying her

3. you begin to pray to God that you would fall so madly in love with her that you would essentially give your soul to her and become one with her - losing part of your identity in the process

4. You get nervous at the sound of her name.

OKAY OKAY - so look

I cant tell you anymore than this - if you want to know who she the next entry!


down down down red knight going down! down down down red knight going down!

She is so frabjous!

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