Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I Had a Beer With Satan: Git'r DONE!!!

This is one of my retro joints yall. 6/13/2006

JOHN 10:10-----------------------
[enter the bar]

I'll have two, one for me and my friend* here
"listen Im not sure god really has an objective
I mean
For you, your life. Granted if he (it?) does it seems concealed
rejected from seminary (OMG), remember?
your dream girl was denied you, financial debt is building,
you still live at home with your parents at 25
where is....why would your life be bereft of
such necessary simplicity? Why is your life
so failed so meaningless...where is your ministry
Towson religious studies major?

[drink beer #1]

Maybe your sins have elicited god's
disgust (hatred) you whoremonger
maybe you have exhausted his grace (so-called)
maybe his holy (LOL) back has been turned towards you
maybe this god-thing, really isnt cut out for you
(are you one of the predestined ones?)
maybe a farce, maybe facetious
what is life but suffering anyway
with or without a god
maybe we don't really know anything
about life, about love, about the future

[drink beer #2]

life's distinguishing line is relative
its demarcation if you will
is hazy anyhow. Death is one man's life
look at osama bin laden
your sin is piety to the poor man
I want you to see this existence is all a game
between a constructed god and devil
wayward path, straight path
and you caught in the middle
Youre a joke and so is your life, by the way

[drink beer #3]

lets get out of this dump
and rent some x rated movies, do some drugs,
cut ourselves, find some babe to chat online...
the only good is pleasure that we bring to ourselves
'we create our own meaning and existence'
be free from the mental bondage called Christ
Tony lets go find you a wife! Stop waiting on god for that
if it hasnt happened by now...
(you're such a lonely loser)"

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Weezy: PHONE HOME !!! Tony: PHONE HOME!!!!

* dedicated to Lil Wayne "Phone Home"

(Me and Weezy are not the same we are Martians!!!! Feel me? But word...we different types of aliens 'doe....I aint hatin on you Wayne, baby, Im just saying you a certain type of alien, no doubt....and I as a Christian is a certain type of alien. Let my right hand man Peter school you son!)

1 Peter 2:10-12
Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy. Dear friends, I urge you, as aliens and strangers in the world, to abstain from sinful desires, which war against your soul. Live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day he visits us.
-----------------------------[Followers of Jesus Christ are not the same they are Martians]

When I eat dinner I close my eyes
silently paying homage to an unseen Being (I use as my crutch)
crediting Him for providing my sustenance
and not my paycheck
When I wake up on Sunday
I have this conviction that my world is off kilter
unless I go to an edifice
and worship the same Being for giving me life
and saving me from an afterlife of scorching flames and
suffocating smoke
asking His Mother to pray now and at the hour of my death
like she did when she held her crucified Son in her arms bleeding

I dont want to kiss again until my wedding day
I dont want to date a girl unless Im going to marry her
I want sex, but I dont want to lose my virginity
beyond the boundaries of a sacramental covenant blessed by God
and Pastor (Porn and masturbation are wrong too
I pray for my enemies and wish they would be so blessed
they lose the capacity for hate
I give my money to beggars lingering beneath traffic signals
reasoning I might just entertain an angel cloaked by human form
observing me to give an accounting when he goes back
I dont get drunk, because the world doesnt sell the Holy Spirit in a 40 oz bottle
I believe abortion is wrong
I believe homosexuality is wrong
because God said so
(and Ive never even seen Him.If I did I would die)

Adam and Eve did exist they conversed with a snake
(it was really Satan though)
Jacob wrestled an angel (it was really God though)
Jonah was really in a whale 3 days, Lazarus was resurrected in 4
Phillip honestly did vanish after baptizing the Eunuch
Stephen did see Jesus standing before he was stoned
Jesus walked on water like solid land
Jesus is the only way to God
and yes, the sun stood still when Joshua asked God to stop it
David did fell Goliath with a slingshot
Lot's wife did turn into salt
but not table salt. You and I can at least agree on that
you probably dont agree with me
but Im not worried. its because

........OH WELL....I TRIED]

"Phone Home" Lyrics

We are not the same, I am a martian (martian, martian)
We are not the same, I am a martian (martian, martian)
Greetings from Planet Weezy
We will begin transmission in 5...4...3...2...1

Phone home! (Weezy) x4
And if you feel like you're best go ahead
And do the Weezy Wee and
Phone home! (Weezy) x2

We are not the same, I am a martian
And I'm hotter than Summer Rain, like Carl Thomas
Lock, load, ready to aim at any target
I could get your brains for a bargain
Like I bought it, from Target
Hip-hop is my supermarket
Shopping cart full of fake hip-hop artists
I'm starvin', sorry, I gotta eat all it
And I'll be back in the mornin' (mornin')

Phone home! (Weezy) x4
And if you feel like you're best go ahead
And do the Weezy Wee and
Phone home! (Weezy) x2

We are not the same, I am an alien
Like Gonzalez, young college student
Who done just flipped the game, like Houston
I'm used to promethazine in 2 cups, I'm screwed up
And ya ain't **** if you ain't never been screwed up
Flow so sick, make you want to throw your food up
Ice water chest, and my wrist like a pool cup
Two twin clippers, I give your ******* a crew cut
I get bread like cold cuts, you know what?
Your girl ************* slow
But I never slow up (Weezy!)

Phone home! (Weezy) x4
And if you feel like you're best go ahead
And do the Weezy Wee and
Phone home! (Weezy) x2

They don't make 'em like me no more
Matter fact, they never made it like me before
I'm rare like Mr. Clean with hair
No brake lights on my career
I never had life and I never had fear
I rap like I done died and goin' to heaven, I swear
And yeah I'm a bear, like black and white hair
So I'm polar
And they can't get on my system 'cause my system is the solar
I am so far from the o-ders, I mean others
I could eat them for supper
Get in my spaceship and hover (hover)

Phone home! (Weezy) x4
And if you feel like you're best go ahead
And do the Weezy Wee and
Phone home! (Weezy) x2

Friday, September 5, 2008

On the Sabbath I Call Out to Lauren London

*Dedicated to Ol*a

Luke 13:10-13
On a Sabbath Jesus was teaching in one of the synagogues, and a woman was there who had been crippled by a spirit for eighteen years. She was bent over and could not straighten up at all. When Jesus saw her, he called her forward and said to her, "Woman, you are set free from your infirmity." Then he put his hands on her, and immediately she straightened up and praised God.

--------------------------------------------][Lauren London, heal me. please...(The thoughts of the woman healed by Jesus on the Sabbath)]

my heart has been blown away by the wind
since you left
At night I am curled in a fetal position gasping
for breath, begging
for life. for nourishment (from above) for nurturing and the will power
to withstand the daunting weight of this baleful solitude
your memory is like my back hunched from prolonged moping
it weighs down on my conscience like the death of my dreams
of a happy life together with you
of children and our first kiss at our wedding
musing at your dark brown eyes
(gently) brushing my fingers across your smooth almond skin
full of nervous anxiety.
....I am crippled by the void of your presence

Its been 18 years since Ive picked up a mirror
or put a spoon to my mouth
due to grief
only eating food that thieves drop from their hands
using my decrepit fingers
or drinking from worn cups of the poverty stricken
who lay down in dirt
I cant even sit at tables hurts too much
running feels like a knife wound.
Jumping is giving up the ghost
walking is my only resort but it feels like straining...
I barely have the desire to face forward anymore
I just fasten my eyes on my feet and move wherever
my emaciated soul leads

Lauren, I am nothing without you
I plead with you constantly in my exhausted sleep
to call out my name: TONY!!!!
"you are set free from your infirmity!!!"
place your hands on my back by loving me
this is the 11th hour
I sit by my synagogue door of fate
this is my Sabbath, life has become a Sabbath
bent over

[your love will immediately straighten me up and I will praise God.]

(Baby, please love me. Please I need someone to love me. Lauren London, heal me. Save me. Amen.)