Tuesday, March 4, 2008

These are MY Psalms (chapter 1) - Rachel Bilson is like a stream

Psalm 1:3
he shall be like a tree planted by the streams of water, That bringeth forth its fruit in its season, Whose leaf also doth not wither; And whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.

Rachel, baby, my heart is a trunk hollowing
my strength is like branches that are bare
the lack of sun withers my limbs,
my roots are decaying in dry soil and do not penetrate deep enough
into frozen water...
when the wind blows I am like chaff knocked over;
driven away
It is never autumn
It is never spring
It is never summer
the air is cold and biting
when you arent around it is always winter
and I am forever barren

I have been a fool to listen to those around us
they are like the winds of a blizzard saying "Tony is a commoner
Rachel Bilson, dont stoop so low - you are a celebrity"
wicked counselers, scoffers, they sit on thrones of discouragement
and cynicism
they wont stand in the face of our love,
sinners in the congregation of our reckless passion

But my delight is in the law of our inexorable attraction
(I meditate on this every night, baby)
when Im around you I feel green
I see the sun shining
I feel the warm air on my branches
and the depth of my yearning for you runs deep into the ground
deep in my soul
when by my side you are a stream of running water
a stream of joy
dont ever leave me. I wont ever let you go. I cant go on without you.
I am full of leaves that dont wither
as long as you're around

4 The wicked are not so, But are like the chaff which the wind driveth away.

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