Sunday, March 10, 2019

Taylor Swift and Tony Conti's John The Baptist #taylordatetony #taylorswift #wcw #ts7

* Spirit of Jesus pray for me
* Luke, Elizabeth, John, Zechariah, Mary, Holy Church pray for me
* Saints pray for me
*  Dedicated to Jesus Christ
#taylordateony #taylorswift #wcw #music #IamZechariah

+------Taylor Swift and Tony Conti's John The Baptist

Taylor, my heart is  Zechariah,
an aged priest of Hebrews
childless (dateless) full of
melancholy. Chosen by lot
to serve in the Temple’s (of
romantic longing) inner
chambers to burn fledgling
bae-hope’s incense on
the altar’s right side. The people
…still under captivity of
-refusals’ Roman Rule.
But babes! Your smile is
an angel from Heavenly Courts
dispatched to me abruptly in
loneliness’ barely-candlelit
darkness to comfort. Your blue
eyes, your lips: gripping, like
wondrous stars of Eden’s first summer
night. If you took me to Starbucks,
kissed me, like the promise of a son.
To prepare the Way prophesied.
For the Messiah; The salvation of us
in Love (to the peoples' rejoicing).

------Luke 1:8-17
Once when Zechariah’s division was on duty and he was serving as priest before God, he was chosen by lot, according to the custom of the priesthood, to go into the temple of the Lord and burn incense. And when the time for the burning of incense came, all the assembled worshipers were praying outside. Then an angel of the Lord appeared to him, standing at the right side of the altar of incense. When Zechariah saw him, he was startled and was gripped with fear. But the angel said to him: “Do not be afraid, Zechariah; your prayer has been heard. Your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you are to call him John. He will be a joy and delight to you, and many will rejoice because of his birth, for he will be great in the sight of the Lord. He is never to take wine or other fermented drink, and he will be filled with the Holy Spirit even before he is born. He will bring back many of the people of Israel to the Lord their God. And he will go on before the Lord, in the spirit and power of Elijah, to turn the hearts of the parents to their children and the disobedient to the wisdom of the righteous—to make ready a people prepared for the Lord.”

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