Sunday, July 22, 2018

The Wizards' Purification #TonyandDwight #NBA #Wizards #DwightHoward

* Spirit Of Jesus pray for me
* Elisha, Elijah, Holy Church pray for me
* Saints pray for me
*  Dedicated to #TonyandDwight #Superman #NBA #DwightIsElisha

+-----The Wizards' Purification 

Dwight, the Wizards are Naaman,
valiant commander of Aram’s
(Washington’s) sports-army. Decorated,
stalwart, stout. Yet last season
was leprosy, playoff disappointments
like boils on pained pus-filled
scabs on his skin. But you
are the Prophet sagacious.
Your defensive skills, dunks, like miracles
to common folk in Samaria (the NBA).
When you don the white and blue,
Naaman at your stoop imploring. It’ll be
purification; Each advance in the playoffs
like rinsing his body, of Ring aspirations,
in the Jordan (of basketball dominance)
seven times at your behest. As you
hoist the Trophy high, it’ll be like D.C.’s
once-diseased skin smooth, soft as a baby.

------2 Kings 5:8-15
But when Elisha, the man of God, heard that the king of Israel had torn his clothes, he sent a messenger to the king. He asked, “Why did you tear your clothes? Please let Naaman come to me and find out that there is a prophet in Israel.” Naaman came with his horses and chariot and stopped at the entrance to Elisha’s home. Elisha sent a messenger to him. He said, “Wash yourself seven times in the Jordan River, and your skin will be healthy and clean.” But Naaman became angry and left. He said, “I thought he would at least come out of his house, stand somewhere, call on the name of the Lord his God, wave his hand over the infected place, and heal the skin disease. The Abana and Pharpar Rivers in Damascus have better water than any of the rivers in Israel. Couldn’t I wash in them and be clean?” So he turned around and left in anger. But Naaman’s servants went to him and said, “Master, if the prophet had asked you to do some extraordinary act, wouldn’t you have done it? Why shouldn’t you do as he said: ‘Wash and be clean’?” So he went to dip himself in the Jordan River seven times, as the man of God had instructed him. His skin became healthy again like a little child’s skin. Then he and all his men returned to the man of God. Naaman stood in front of Elisha and said, “Now I know that there’s no god in the whole world, except the God of Israel. So please accept a present from me.”

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