Monday, June 4, 2018

Holding Fast To A Dream

* Spirit Of Jesus pray for me
* Mark, Holy Church pray for me
* Saints pray for me
*  Dedicated to #IamtheManWithTheWitheredHand

+-----Holding Fast To A Dream; The Thoughts Of The Man With The Withered Hand Upon Being Healed By Jesus 

I dream, often, of Odysseus
cursed by Poseidon ten years;
gazing at, unable to touch
Ithaca’s shores. Of Moses
reaching for Canaan, a bird
wingless pining for the breeze,
the sun dappled by clouds, forsaking
his chirps, instead: earth-bound howls.
And now, Thank You. A hand fleshed
is my soul’s new sigil. For the first time
I can seize smiles, cling to joy, hold
society’s inclusion. Without letting it slip
through frail fingers of infirmity’s curses.   

------Mark 3:1-6
Again he entered the synagogue, and a man was there with a withered hand. And they watched Jesus, to see whether he would heal him on the Sabbath, so that they might accuse him. And he said to the man with the withered hand, “Come here.” And he said to them, “Is it lawful on the Sabbath to do good or to do harm, to save life or to kill?” But they were silent. And he looked around at them with anger, grieved at their hardness of heart, and said to the man, “Stretch out your hand.” He stretched it out, and his hand was restored. The Pharisees went out and immediately held counsel with the Herodians against him, how to destroy him.

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