Monday, December 15, 2014

A Jewish Story

* Dedicated to Saint John. Pray for me.

+-------------------------/A Jewish Story; Saint John's Thoughts As He Finished His Gospel 

And this is our Aeneid, right? A
captive, vagrant people scattered,
scars on our flesh and within,
(true nomads of the heart)
seeking redemption in a New City,  
our hero sailing destiny’s
on waters of our very emotive
expectancy, docking on foreign shores
for our salvation,
to establish an empire for eternity.
Leaving Heaven
must have been to him like
watching Dido burning.
Or is this Orpheus and Eurydice?
Our lover come to save us,
snake bitten and pitiable, scouring Hades
with a candle and canticles of love on
lips for his betrothed, willing
to be gashed and lacerated, 
soldiers of Pontius Pilate with nails
cruel menacing Maenades of old,
to submit his dedication for us
in eternal lore?
Or is it more than that? A bearded Galilean,
a despicable Nazarene as a
chrysalis standing before us,
like a dragon borne from Egyptian,
Babylonian and Persian oppression
walking on water, raising the dead,
feeding thousands with five barley loaves,
breathing fire on a boy’s two fish.
This is the story
of the God of the Jews come
down to earth casting out devils wherever
he walks- a tale of
divinity that eats and sleeps and
bleeds among us,
giving his last breath to make all of mankind
whole. Though analogous to some, I believe
this one differs…
for this is the only story
that doesn't have an ending.

----------------------John 21:24-25
This is the disciple which testifieth of these things, and wrote these things: and we know that his testimony is true. And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. Amen

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