Friday, September 5, 2014

Drunk in Antediluvian Love

* Dedicated to RB. And listen Party Peoples, just because its football season don’t correlate RB with Marshawn Lynch or any other of those RUNNING BACKS!!!! Because I am NOT referring to a running back! Im referring to my precious R.B…..oh snookums!!! Oh…and….maybe I already used this Bible passage to write a poem, but hey…..RB is worthy of many poems the world over!!!!
* Dedicated to Noah, a man forsaking one world and trying to reestablish normalcy in the next.
* Dedicated to The Amity Affliction, Pittsburgh - No Intro

----------/Drunk in Antediluvian Love; MyThoughts Of Noah As I Stare at Your  Facebook Profile

Your hair calls out to me, like an echo
of a raven, vestige of a time and place
of passion and romantic ruddiness
that I left behind, in a past life filled
with dreaming.  When we first met,
at Christlife, I had interior misgivings,
my heart as God, whispering specific dimensions:
300 cubits long, 50 wide
and 30 high of gopher wood, the most stout,
for an ark of desire meant to withstand
even the most pernicious adversity,
jeering crowds of millennial dissent,
40 days and 40 nights of incessant criticism
like hail and continual winds of chaotic controversy
that would rock the boat of my confidence.
Maybe forever.
You see, our 14 year age gap is immorality.
The cattle, wolves, sheep and horses, the
coarse men, and lowbred women who lick dust
stared with cagey smiles and furtive glances,
eyes glowing red as rubies,
because that depraved craven world
misunderstood my attraction
for the common carnal attraction of their day,
smut of the earth whitewashed,
the harrowing harmony of hedonism
destroyed, garbled screams of wicked men
braying oxen gargling water as they drown.
Its been a while since Ive seen you,
the white dove of changing seasons has
dropped an olive branch of hope in my lap,
(parting with a wink)
a relic I conjure everytime I see you on Facebook.
Now I sit in the vineyard of romantic musing, alone,
wondering if I sailed away from you,
voyage of uncertain destiny,
buoyed by this self imposed restraint,
by mistake…if another cup of wine
in a drunken stupor
will bring at least a portion
of my old world back.

----------------Genesis 9:20-29
And Noah began to be an husbandman, and he planted a vineyard: And he drank of the wine, and was drunken; and he was uncovered within his tent. And Ham, the father of Canaan, saw the nakedness of his father, and told his two brethren without. And Shem and Japheth took a garment, and laid it upon both their shoulders, and went backward, and covered the nakedness of their father; and their faces were backward, and they saw not their father's nakedness. And Noah awoke from his wine, and knew what his younger son had done unto him. And he said, Cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren. And he said, Blessed be the Lord God of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant. God shall enlarge Japheth, and he shall dwell in the tents of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant. And Noah lived after the flood three hundred and fifty years. And all the days of Noah were nine hundred and fifty years: and he died.

-----Pittsburgh Lyrics

I've been searching for an exit, but I'm lost inside my head;
 Where I spend every waking moment wishing I was dead.
 For a few minutes get me away from here,
 For a few minutes wipe away my tears.
 For I am lost right now as the ocean deep;
 I am low my friend and how my heart does sink.
 Yeah I am lost right now as the ocean deep;
 I am low my friend and how my heart does sink.
 It's like there's cancer in my blood,
 It's like there's water in my lungs,
 And I can't take another step,
 Please tell me I am not undone.
 It's like there's fire in my skin
 And I'm drowning from within -
 I can't take another breath,
 Please tell me I am not undone.
 I've been searching for an exit but I'm lost inside my head;
 Where I spend every waking moment wishing this would end.
 I can't take another step, I cannot live inside my mind,
 I can't face another day, I am so f* tired.
 For I am lost right now as the ocean deep,
 I am low my friend and how my heart does sink.
 Yeah I am lost right now as the ocean deep,
 I am low my friend and how my heart does sink.
 It's like there's cancer in my blood,
 It's like there's water in my lungs
 And I can't take another step -
 Please tell me I am not undone.
 It's like there's fire in my skin
 And I'm drowning from within.
 I can't take another breath -
 Please tell me I am not undone.
 I've been searching for an exit but I'm lost inside my head;
 Where I spend every waking moment, wishing I was dead.
 I'll take another step for you -
 I'll shed my tears until I drown, or until I am underground.
 I'll take another breath for you...
 Will you still be there when I'm home, out from the great unknown?
 It's like there's cancer in my blood,
 It's like there's water in my lungs,
 And I can't take another step -
 Please tell me I am not undone.
 It's like there's fire in my skin
 And I'm drowning from within.
 I can't take another breath -
 Please tell me I am not undone. 

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