Monday, April 30, 2012

Ann-e You Bitter Hebrew, You Bitter Hebrew. Petulant Leader of God's People

*Dedicated to Ann-e. The girl who got away, who never gave me a chance

---------------/Improper Burials

When we met I stood face to face with your amiable conscience
tattered soles sandals with worn straps on midday hot sands
steadfast seekers of satiation for our hearts' satisfaction
(of opportunity, of new beginnings new dialectics amongst strangers)
bright and sunny our dispositions though of different complexions
mine fairer more inclined to believe in love as denouement
-persuaded by your blonde curls and buxom breasts-
as opposed to your darker less sentimental mores; less interested
(due perhaps to slavish hours in the sun scathed by taskmasters;
words of immature boys)
in settling down-perhaps less interested in interracial kisses.Consequently
my persistence brewed bad blood
bitter blistering bane of your betterment now bristling
at the prospect of doing lunch together, refusing me thrice; brackish.
Belligerence (at being tied down to me)
our desires coming to blows your conscience unfazed by my
crying, getting the upper hand
Bloody murder you unable to withstand the chances of me landing
a glancing punch setting out to save yourself from remorse
unremitting guilt
clandestinenesly and deceitfulness your plight
to make sure there was no awareness of me, no one in sight
stemming any eventuality that I would meet your friends
so you took out the sword of your rejection and plunged
my heart through callously staring as the blood of disappointment
burying the body in huge heaps of sand of rebuff and cold shoulders
nightfall and the frigid chill of cruelty
wiping the sand off your (shapely) chest helping your conscience up
memories of me
rest in peace

Exodus 2:11-12
And it came to pass in those days, when Moses was grown, that he went out unto his brethren, and looked on their burdens: and he spied an Egyptian smiting an Hebrew, one of his brethren. And he looked this way and that way, and when he saw that there was no man, he slew the Egyptian, and hid him in the sand.

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