"The kings of the earth set themselves, And the rulers take counsel together, Against Jehovah, and against his anointed, saying, Let us break their bonds asunder, And cast away their cords from us."
Audrina I love you so much
(I am like a priest in the temple of Jehovah for you)
you are the only thing that makes sense to me in
this world that rages; sinful people - they all cling to vanity (like Heidi and Spencer)
and collude for my soul's destruction
they are like black vultures swarming for me
as the smoke from my love offering rises
they are like black clouds and black rain defiling me from above,
flooding the gold floors, the bronze altar;
the path of sanity (to the Holy of Holies) I walk on
...all is dire...all is forlorn...
...all is dire...all is forlorn...
without you by my side
they want to take you away from me, baby!
break the bond we have in my heart asunder
tear the cords between us
But you are so majestic. You look down as if in the heavens
at them and laugh derisively
your devotion to me is a vexation to all that despise me
you hold my hands in public, you caress my hair
(in front of the MTV cameras)
when we hug, you hold me tight as if
setting me upon the holy hill of Zion.
If I asked you, you would give me the nations, you would
give me your hand in marriage and
the uttermost parts of the earth to dwell besides you
forever. Your affection shall break them with a rod of iron
our dissenters will shatter like a potter's vessel
I cherish you with fear and I smile with trembling
The grandeur of your beauty;
leaves me breathless
you are a candle burning brightly
you are the aroma of sweet incense to me
a meat offering mingled with oil...
let me kiss you, lest I perish in the way
(I love you baby. I love you. Please stay with me)
"Ask of me, and I will give thee the nations for thine inheritance, And the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession. Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron; Thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel."