Wednesday, January 29, 2014


*Dedicated to Scary Kids Scaring Kids, Star Crossed Lovers  ----->CLICK DAT LINK YO!!!!! GREAT SONG

Its been far too long family. Far too long (Why am I clapping now, even as you read the words pouring forth from my heart? Because angels' claps dont always  make an audible sound.) I been out da game far too long. Its time. Prophesy is at hand. thejesusmetaphor shall speak. And Kate Upton. Kate Upton, oh baby I hope thou shalt listen.


----------------/A City Forsaken (Without Upton)

oh Kate must we, standing opposed, your back to Galilee,
that town of of a bloodthirsty despot's throne, arbiter of lovers' demises,
and mine to the land of a forsaken but chosen peoples' promise:
to rise again from the decay of loneliness shackled by chains of self-doubt,
let this January night's wind heralded by grievous dust of classism,
stinging our ill fated eyes,
prophesy our finality? Are you like a Pharisee, Hollywood insider skeptical of my net worth,
seething with spite set on driving me out?
(Incredulous of my claims of romantic divinity, one of a trinity of peace, joy, and passion)
Oh how I wish to gather you into my bosom, a spate of kisses,
the joy in your eyes affected by my love so tender, song of newborn chicks
gathered under their mother hen of a love secure.
Is Herod your current boyfriend, the rich baseball hotshot?
Assassin of my aspirations like innocent children who arent Jesus?
You tell that fox that behold, I cast out devils; those demons of inattentiveness
that shrill from the cavernous hollows of a girl's worst fear of abandonment,
drooling possessed while lacerating an innocent man with braided chords
sundering his beard from his face with their barehands crying as they moan,
and watch him bleed helplessly crucified.
Kate I swear, if you would only listen -I do poems today, and I will be poor the morrow,
wholly unworthy of you,
but if you date me on the third day I will be perfected
by a beautiful blonde's cure like raising God from the dead.
My desire for you is a celestial kingdom, a saubrious sun shining forever,
warmth stimulating flowers of laughter on stifled soil glowering at murdered prophets,
the cumulative rejection of every girl I have ever pursued.
But listen,
without you the house of my soul is left unto you desolate, verily I say
it's a people bereft of hope pining away for lack of your dazzling blue eyes.
Their sky is dark, a red horizon with black clouds foreboding  
but if you come, if you date me, if you kiss me...
shouts ringing from Zion "Blessed is he that cometh in the name of Upton"


---------Luke 13:32-35
And he said unto them, Go ye, and tell that fox, Behold, I cast out devils, and I do cures to day and to morrow, and the third day I shall be perfected.  Nevertheless I  must walk to day, and to morrow, and the day following: for it cannot be that a prophet perish out of Jerusalem. O Jerusalem, Jerusalem,
which killest the prophets, and stonest them that are sent unto thee; how often would I have gathered thy children together, as a hen doth gather her brood  under her wings, and ye would not! Behold, your house is left unto you desolate: and verily I say unto you, Ye shall not see me, until the time come when ye  shall say, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord.

----Star Crossed Lovers Lyrics
Star crossed lovers
 They say we're not meant to be
 'Cause the stars in the sky, and the fashion that they are aligned
 I say if the futures been drawn out, there's no point in living.
 I wont give up my love so that fate can have its way
 If the stars say that you couldn’t love me
 Are you telling me that you would listen?
 If the words make their way from your mouth
 Don’t ask my permission
 All is forgiven
 Star crossed lovers, we do what we want to
 Some learn the hard way
 We all learn through consequence
 I say if the futures been drawn out, then nobody’s living
 I won't give you up love, so fate can have its way
 Its way
 If the stars say that you couldn’t love me
 Are you telling me that you would listen?
 If the words make their way from your mouth
 Don’t ask my permission
 All is forgiven
 Is it over? (Over...)
 The stars keep this fire from burning out
 Is it over? (Over...)
 Are you saying that you’d really listen?
 Is it over...?
 The stars keep this fire
 Is it over...?
 The stars keep this fire
 If the stars say that you couldn’t love me
 Are you telling me that you would listen?
 If the words make their way from your mouth
 Don’t ask my permission
 All is forgiven
 If the stars say that you can not love...
 The stars keep this fire from burning out
 If the stars say that you can not love me