Monday, July 7, 2008

I Cheated on Beyonce like Zedekiah and Lost Her Love

And he burned the house of the LORD... (the house of Dereon)
---------------------[Beyonce my love has failed you, as a result my heart is a toppled wall]

I am Zedekiah's plight
running from destiny, deserting my ordination
and doing evil in your sight
refusing to learn from the example of your ex, Jehoiachin
and his 3 hastily cruel months
cut short by humiliation and the taking away of
Solomon's treasure;
expiation by the sword of Nebuchadnez'zar
surrendering...(he was only 18)
all that he had was mine to control, the scepter in my hand
of your devotion
the crown on my head of your compassion
because of my deeds: now disgraced
because your affection was in my hands, Beyonce
and I tossed it away

I didn't love you like I should have
which is nonsense: you are so beautiful to behold
when I look at your face I get goosebumps and butterflies in my stomach
your skin is so smooth, complexion so clear...
girl, you were everything to me
until I cheated on you (after 9 years,10 months,10 days); incredulously;
that's when everything I had fell apart at the seams
that's when I started living life under siege
I started having shortness of breath
It felt like Nebuchanezzar built siegeworks all around me
and forced me to starve
fleeing under moonlight like a exiled fugitive
through a gate between walls to a land with no home
no safety
no comfort, no romance
but eventually my guilt captured me like a band of fierce Chaldeans
and compelled me to watch my dreams of us together slayed
like my only sons

Beyonce my disloyalty to you has put out my eyes
I am blind to happiness, blind to mirth, blind to any dignity
I might have had left before you went away
I have nowhere to go.
The place I called familiarity has been burned down by
my sin like royal houses
the wall I raised around my deceitful heart has been toppled
by grief
like a vinedresser or plowmen in utter poverty
who once had your kiss each morning..recently taken away
like Zedekiah
I am so sullen now

(From the throne of Grace, to being dethroned...Beyonce I will always love you. I am so sorry for turning my back on you and losing your love. Come back to me, baby! Forget Jay-Z!!!)

2 Kings 25: 1 - 12
And in the ninth year of his reign, in the tenth month, on the tenth day of the month, Nebuchadnez'zar king of Babylon came with all his army against Jerusalem, and laid siege to it; and they built siegeworks against it round about. So the city was besieged till the eleventh year of King Zedeki'ah. On the ninth day of the fourth month the famine was so severe in the city that there was no food for the people of the land. Then a breach was made in the city; the king with all the men of war fled by night by the way of the gate between the two walls, by the king's garden, though the Chalde'ans were around the city. And they went in the direction of the Arabah. But the army of the Chalde'ans pursued the king, and overtook him in the plains of Jericho; and all his army was scattered from him. Then they captured the king, and brought him up to the king of Babylon at Riblah, who passed sentence upon him. They slew the sons of Zedeki'ah before his eyes, and put out the eyes of Zedeki'ah, and bound him in fetters, and took him to Babylon. In the fifth month, on the seventh day of the month -- which was the nineteenth year of King Nebuchadnez'zar, king of Babylon -- Nebu'zarad'an, the captain of the bodyguard, a servant of the king of Babylon, came to Jerusalem. And he burned the house of the LORD, and the king's house and all the houses of Jerusalem; every great house he burned down. And all the army of the Chalde'ans, who were with the captain of the guard, broke down the walls around Jerusalem. And the rest of the people who were left in the city and the deserters who had deserted to the king of Babylon, together with the rest of the multitude, Nebu'zarad'an the captain of the guard carried into exile. But the captain of the guard left some of the poorest of the land to be vinedressers and plowmen.